
bqktw commentary (bqktw sounds like boq/bok- tao)

30 Jan 2023

"Women have led the resistance and we must keep up the fight" Maxine Waters' Speech At The 2020 Women's March In D.C.


🎶 📜  🎶 🌈 🫐 🥗 Bqktw commentary on Facebook   link


21 Jun 2024

Black American African American History All Year

We mean Something

Author Kuango Seilah

We mean


 We mean


We mean


 We mean something

Overcoming by any means necessary

surviving and thriving

our continuation



For generations to come the gifts it brings

 That’s one of the reason I sing: we mean ...  something 

Turnip greens black-eyed peas, pinto beans,  sweet potatoes and collards greens, bok choy and kales greens humus & black beans, tempeh, tofu

some people eat all foods, like every thing

because people do what they need & want to do

to stay healthy with any greens necessary

our history means


A Texas Governor wants to replace

the word slavery

with involuntary


Texas is already messed up with a history

being 2 years late for liberation

from enslavement 

 People want racist people out of any decisions about curriculum for education

people have demanded reparations for ourselves and our ancestors and that too means


Our liberation walk for freedom with our allies

it’s a continuation of a long journey 

and that too 



 That’s why I sing

we mean .... ....



 California Senate

SCR 113 Human Rights Violations and Crimes against Humanity on African Slaves and Their Descendants  Senator Steven Bradford's statements

View window below 

The Real History of Slavery - Violations Against Humanity accounts of how enslaved people were treated from formeely enslaved people who were recorded in the 1930s

YouTube view window below 

21 Jun 2024
29 Jun 2024
12 Feb 2024


"Light can never completely remove all darkness because there are always shadows and shadows are darkness. 

Darkness and Light are equals

not one is evil."

This is a issue that's gone on for a long time and it translates to racist themes in spirituality and other aspects of our lives.
Now to some of  the current common views on the use of the term  dark and light as analogies for evil aka dark and good aka light.
There's some quotes that are concerning about this topic that brought this topic up again. Part of one quote: "only light can drive out darkness, darkness cannot do that." It's partly true but the reality is  light can lessen darkness and darkness and lessen light. Some folks say, light can never completely remove darkness because there’s always shadows and shadows are darkness. I agree with that because it is factual.
   For those who believe a "God" created the universe, if darkness is so awful why is in such a majority in outta space? Why are there more darker skin people than other people on the planet earth?
Why is the womb that humans develop in for nine month filled with darkness?
Why are the roots of the majority plants on earth in darkness?

   I suggest to the big human think thank of ideas: "Light and dark are equals not one is evil and light does not ever completely remove darkness." And I suggest for the sake of humanity we replace the racist metaphor "light is good and darkness is evil" with something that reflects reality because this racist metaphor has hurt the psyche of the people.

For those who don't believe a "God" created the universe why use metaphors that don't reflect the truth about darkness and light?
We often use glasses with black lens to stop light from the sun from damaging our eyes, curtains to block sun from making homes to hot during a very hot summer and to create privacy in our home at night.
There is no war between the sun & moon nor between night & day, there is balance. The war metaphors  people made up and people can these analogies and some day hopeful sooner rather than later there will be no racist wars metaphors that pit darkness against light.
          Because we are all children of the Sun & Moon. Without the sun & moon life on earth would be awful, the majority of life would die. That's why both the sun & moon  and day & night are treasured.
Another very real reality. All people need to see healthy images of themselves in metaphors. The closest names for a racial category to dark and darkness is Black and Brown. The closest name for racial category of light is White. The "Blackest Night" is a term. Its important to consider  replacing the metaphors about light = good and dark = evil. It spills over into race relations globally and it is not based on facts.
And not continue to injure the human psyche and provide more avenues for people to see good images of themselves.

People don't hate darkness really.  If you turn the light while they are sleeping and many people will either turn it off again and or demand the person who turn a light on: " you turn that back off!" Is that hatred? It's  love! An our bodies love it also. Let that love spill over into our institutions and replace institutionalized racist ideologies of a war between light & darkness in religion and everyday life. Both  are loved,  darkness & light and our societies need to demand the truth in our analogies  and spiritual movements and non spiritual movements and in our everyday lives. Instead of saying its your darkest hour, when you mean there's difficulty, you could just say its your most difficult hour.
Nothing can replace the dawn or the dusk the day or the night!

Link to other writers who address this topic

"Metaphors have deep power, and the widespread use of darkness/blackness to mean negative concepts has inestimable effects." Link to written article

18 Aug 2022
15 Mar 2021

Quotes Plus from well known and not so well known African American / Black historial organizations, people & current day people of others races.

"We been down so long, we ain't got no other way to go but up." Fannie Lou Hamer

"I'm no longer accepting things I cannot change,  I'm changing things I cannot accept" Angela Davis 

"Lifting as we climb" 1896 to 1904  National Association of Colored Women (NACW).


“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” -Anais Nin


"Women have led the resistance and we must keep up the fight" Maxine Waters' Speech At The 2020 Women's March In D.C.


"Let us not become the evil we deplore " part of statement objecting to war made by Barbara Lee when she was the only member of Congress to vote against war in Afghanistan.


 Equality in the context of human rights: True Equality is Respect of Diversity-Differences it's one of the most important parts of human rights. bqktw commentary 

23 Sep 2021

Technology That Will Lessen Climate Change

Self-charging batteries are promising technology that could help. Some of the experiments on this concept use negative resistance and negative capacitance in the same cell to recharge.

Another idea I've been thinking about it is, in devices and machines that have fans, why not use the internal fans like a tiny windmill that would recharge the device or machine everytime it used? 

It's important to have self-charging devices and machines even with the  development of solar and wind due to weather limitations. With internal self charging capabilities it will help get around weather related problems with outside solar panels and wind generators. Plus in the long run it will produce less products that need to be deposed. 

Research document from Feb/2020 

Simple self-charging battery offers power solutions for devices: "A new type of battery combines negative capacitance and negative resistance within the same cell, allowing the cell to self-charge without losing energy ..." Link

14 Mar 2021

Unite against hate. Increase love, caring, equality, kindness and respect.
Stop the hate. It must end!


14 Feb 2021

 Update December/23/2022

The Black Wall Street also known as Little Africa also known as Greenwood. In 1921  A massacred hundreds of African Americans and the destruction a self-sufficient African American community in Tulsa, Ok occurred. , Rosewood, FL. In 1923 a massacre of African Americans occured in Rosewood., Elaine, Ak. In 1919 a massacre of African Americans occured in Elaine, Ak., Wilmington, NC. In 1898 a coup and a massacre of African Americans occured in Wilmington, NC., Ocoee, FL. In 1920 a massacre of Africans occured in Ocoee, FL., these are just a few there are many more we need to learn about. This also occurred in many other places around the world where Africans were enslaved. ... ....... The quotes on the poster I realized it is information that is said by other people. Because the two people I mentioned are teachers, writers and speakers as well as advocates for human rights and education. I feel it is not only okay to say they were the source I used for some of the information on the poster, it's  important to say it.


Contradiction (Movie Trailer) by Jeremiah Camara This is free on Amazon prime video.

Link to trailer YouTube view window below 

Restored Footage of the Prosperous Greenwood The Black Wall Street, Little Africa and the Tulsa Massacre | Smithsonian Channel"  YouTube view window below 

29 Dec 2022
29 Dec 2022
26 Jan 2021

Which image of  Harriet  Tubman will be used on the $20.00 bill?


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